Renowned musician Jon Batiste, 37, who hails from Louisiana, is currently in Nigeria with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The foundation, known for its commitment to advancing development across Africa, has facilitated Batiste’s visit to the country.
During an event held on Tuesday, Batiste revealed that his time in Nigeria has been both productive and inspiring. Over the past ten days, he has collaborated with several Nigerian artists, resulting in the completion of half of his forthcoming album. This creative endeavor highlights the vibrant and collaborative spirit of Nigeria’s music scene, which has significantly influenced Batiste’s work.
In addition to discussing his musical projects, Batiste expressed his deep admiration for Nigerian culture. He particularly enjoyed exploring Nigerian cuisine, with Jollof rice standing out as a personal favorite. Batiste’s experience underscores the rich cultural exchange occurring during his visit and reflects his genuine appreciation for the country’s traditions and culinary delights.