Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, faced serious charges from the French judiciary on Wednesday, including allegations related to the misuse of the messaging app. Despite the gravity of the accusations, Durov was granted conditional release but has been prohibited from leaving France.
According to Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau, Durov was released on a €5 million bail under the condition that he reports to a police station twice a week and remains within French borders. The charges against him include “complicity in the administration of an online platform to enable an illicit transaction,” which points to his alleged involvement in facilitating illegal activities through Telegram.
Durov has also been accused of refusing to comply with official demands for documents and has been charged with more severe crimes, including the dissemination of child pornography in an organized manner, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. These accusations stem from a broader investigation that began in February 2024, following concerns over Telegram’s lack of cooperation with French authorities.
The case underscores the growing scrutiny on digital platforms and their role in potentially enabling illegal activities. The French judiciary’s actions signal a strong stance against tech companies that fail to respond adequately to legal and regulatory demands.